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Maya Angelou

Shared Thoughts and Memories

  1. Phyllis Harrington-Lovelace

    Dr. Maya,
    Thank you for all your Beauty and Wisdom. I first read your wonderful works as a teenager and I was totally hooked… You made me a better woman through your lovely words… Thank you and I will meet you in Heaven!!
    Phyllis Lovelace

  2. Loretta Smith-Black

    A soul who lived so well remains forever with us.
    With Heartfelt Sympathy

  3. Nakunda Everett

    Dr. Maya Angelou was truly a Phenomenal Woman. I have read her books, watched her interviews, recited her poetry, and listened to her words of wisdom throughout my life. I thank her for all of her direct, teachable moments. Dr. Angelou never spoke empty rhetoric. Thank you for demanding that little black girls rise to the occasion and for setting a positive example for all to follow.

    Nakunda Everett

  4. Alicia Guyton

    The most influential person I have known, watched, heard. We should never forget her. I will always read and speak her words. She was a part of my life and I loved her. The Phenomenal woman.
    Rest In Peace and talk about us every now and Then.

  5. Charles Kyte

    Remembering an extraordinary being, a grand poet, and voice of the people.

    Travel well… and forget-me-not!

  6. Alfreda Porter

    Maya Angelou taught me so many things. They are too numerous to account but she also taught the importance of quietude! She was simply the best! Rest well Dr. Maya Angelou…

  7. Annissa Pinknry

    Your writings & phrases have touched my heart for many years. When I needed to hear the bottom line truth they were there to keep me encouraged & as well as keep my eye on the prize. I will truly miss you & I love you from the bottom of my heart. Rest in paradise, Dr. Angelou

  8. DeAndrea

    “When people show you who they are….believe them.” Such true and powerful words from an immeasurable literary presence.

    Dr Angelou, your words have inspired me, changed me and saved me. Thank you so much for sharing your life.

    D. Cooper

  9. Doris Morgan

    Love. Happiness. Integrity. Purpose. Dr. Maya Angelou.

  10. Marie Kleister

    You would know the secret of death.
    But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?

    Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.

    For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?

    Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
    And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
    And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

    :: Khalil Gibran, On Death

  11. Debb Moore

    Thank you.

    Debb Moore

  12. Marchella Thompson

    “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” changed my life’s naive perspective. From the brutality of racism, the trauma of rape and high school motherhood, God was cultivating in her, a Phoenix that rose from the ashes of life’s cruel circumstances. Dr. Maya’s book gave me strength, determination, pride and solice as a young Black woman. With love and appreciation, I thank you, Dr. Maya Angelou; Godspeed❤️

  13. Lyn Carlyle

    Remembering Ms. Maya with love and adoration for all the words and expressions she has left for us. Ms. Maya created the template for motivating and empowering our thoughts and our lives and we are forever grateful for the “Teaching Moments” of the life she led.

  14. Hope

    I am so grateful for Dr. Angelou. I as a young black girl living in Indiana was told by a teacher that I belonged in the wild with animals. I felt dumb and lost. I heard this powerful poem and it sparked curiosity in me to go to the library. I was introduced to the works of Dr. Angelou. Her books let me see myself broken but not hopeless. Through her I was able to see that I was, am a Child of God and was capable. I dreamed and read and over came the reading struggles and most importantly I overcame the lie I was told and went on to college. I had children and created a environment for them to love reading and inspire to dream big. I loved her because God used her as a vessel to show a lil’ black girl that she was not alone and that she was capable to do anything she set her mind to. I was grateful to here this was going to be broadcasted .I had hopes that I would be able to allow my daughter to see what a living angle was. I thank you family for sharing and I thank you Dr.Angelo for sharing your life and inspiring mine.

  15. Sherrell L. Crawley – Gnaletassi

    Dr. Maya Angelou your beacon of light has became a great inspiration to us all you and a phenomenal woman. Farewell and R.I.P.

  16. BrotherEDEN

    Thank you, Dr. Angelou, for touching my life, emboldening my soul and strengthening my heart. You ARE a Treasure and evidence that ONE life can create change.., a Beautiful Model and Reminder.

  17. Jackie

    Her great mind inspires me. I feel thankful, blessed and courage.

  18. Trish Morrison

    Today I am sadden by the loss of someone that I did not know intimately. But I am thankful to God that you shared your life and your creative gifts with the world. Today I am also reminded of a song entitled, ” May the works I’ve done Speak for Me.” I think this is a very befitting song for the remarkable work you have done and the enduring legacy you have left the world to treasure.

  19. J.elaine aldred

    Thanks for the life you led ,your star will always shine in our lives.R.I.P.

  20. Kamian

    I read I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS for the first time in third grade, back in the early 80s. It was given to my by a teacher in an attempt to shame me because she felt I wasn’t ready for chapter books. As an 8-9 year old, most of the book was way beyond my level, as I literally expected it to be about birds. However, the 7 year old Maya assured my 8 year old self and let me know I too would be ok.
    Maya Angelou was always a strong voice in what could at times feel like a raging storm. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting her, I did get to hear her speak and I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to roam the Earth at the same time as this incredible human being
    Forever in my heart, rest safely in His arms, Dr. Maya Angelou.